Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Evaluation from Film role to Memory card

Compact Camera Accessories The world has changed from time to time. I remember in the past 10 years when we went on some journey we always had a Film camera with a film role containing either 36,24 or 12 shot's. it was in a small black or white container with a ash color lid. 

But now the time has changed drastically and you will really see someone with a camera that need to change reals. because now people have converted from reals to Digital Cameras were they do not need any reals. It has a small chip called a memory card that store's a
ll the images that you take during the day. End of the day you can easily store all the images in to a Computer and retrieve any time you need and even print the pics any time you need.

Compact Camera Accessories Now you get memory cards from different sizes that you can store many thousands of photos in a single memory card. it have mitigated the hazel of having many film roles. now jest one small chip small as a phone sim card will do the trick.  

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